[ ]Hello, interwebs! I’m Angela - it’s nice to meet you!
What’s that? Oh, of course - I’d be happy to tell you a bit about myself!
I’ve been in Portland for almost two years now (July 1st will mark the happy occasion of our move from Florida), and currently hang my hat in St. Johns, along with Josh (my husband) and Frank (our adorable puppins).
Before May, I was a teacher with an awesome cohort of 3-5-year-olds; my days revolved around reading, science and math experiments, and hugs. I still love hugs, but I’m changing my career path and becoming a JavaScript developer. I’m one month into a Full-Stack Javascript bootcamp at Portland Code School, and I love it! Some of the projects I’ve created are a calculator, an old-school text adventure game, and a static-site generator; and I’ve already had my first struggle with imposter syndrome.
I’m finding that, at its best, coding is exciting, creative, collaborative, and fun. And when coding is at its best, it’s also challenging, scary, and stubborn. It’s all a part of the whole, and I’m really excited to be a part of it!